human changes
stupid naggy entry.. dun hab to read..
sumtimes i find it rather amazing how tings changes.. human changes.. over a period of time..
recentli a fren of mine had sum sorta problem bet her guy. i shall not mention hu.. i used to tink she had a veri sweet romance.. and wud envy on how she's loved.. i even cursed on her lack of time for us. she used to grumble abt stuffs between them.. but deep down her we knew tt she's so in love tt all grumbles doesnt reali mean anithin to her.. now that the guy had changed.. over a weekend...or perhaps long ago before anione realised.. he doesnt look sweet to me animore.. instead he looked like a monster.. the change in his behaviour, attitude, and all shocked me.. is tis is the guy who used to dote on his gf so much? dey had been together for arnd 10 months.. is 10 months of togetherness not strong enuf to conquer lust? or mayb curiousity? is my fren not gud enuf dat he had to get another ones? how cud human jus put down months of feelings without any pain and carry on.. even if he cud.. why dun he wanna let go? he replied 'anything lahs..u wan continue den continue loh' so perhaps its she not wantin to let go.. she kips explaining tt she believe he wud change.. wud cum back for her.. i doubt so..tons of people gave up convincing her its not gonna work.. since mani incidents and evidence had shown..but she still wanna try.. hu cud stop? if she ever read tis.. i hope she understands the situation soon.. no use clinging onto sumtin not worth clinging for.. he's not dere animore..mayb his bodi is.. but not his heart..
this incident definitely had an impact on me.. she's gud lookin.. her smile is so sweet.. no lack of suitors.. but now i see her.. sorrie to sae but i onli see a pathetic smile she puts on her face.. shuo bian jiu bian.. how hurtful for people arnd her to see tis..when will grey clouds leave and regain its clear blue sky..
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