merry b'dae
hMmm..yeshterdae meet sing and qian at jurong point..den wanted to meet ling at JE..cuz actuali intend to kbox de..the precious nite..qian had called up to cfm the NETT price lor..den went dere den the idiotic guy jus use a sentence "i tink dey wu hui" den can shirk all responsibilities? sumore qian is tok to the supervisor loh..wad e hell..aniwae..we decided to go clementi party work gib a try lor..
went dere..met merry..went to party world to ask abt the rates and decided to sing dere although the variety is shuai ge dere *faints* so ke ai lor...and i applied membership dere..lOl..let u guys take a lOoK..

gold card lehs~~ =x
hmm..had a lil~ surprise dere..a small pandan cake for merry..or rather..all the four eat one slice of cake..haHAa..nuthin usual sing sing here and dere..arnd 6 den end le lor..below..ish we tt dae de quan jia fu..

aftertt..went downstair de MAC to collect our lizard and qian share strawberry sundae..tian mi mi..

aint it delicious?
whereas ling and sing shared hot fudge sundae..

combine together..doesnt look appetising..the pink one looks like blood...brown one looks like shit..and qian was tryin to accuse me of accusin her of big mouth!! i anihow scoop de hor..sing eat hot fudge correct..she orh orh de..but ling shud eat strawberry..becuz she alwaes ang and qian shud jus eat the ice cream..cuz we bEh bEh..LOL!!

went to the arcade..played for an hour plus..and heard tt got one BO guy sae canot take pic? i did not witness the scene lah..haHaa...sot de..take the pic can do wad?? blackmail them aRh?!! or plann to steal deir machine!! singaporeans shud be a lil~ more polite la ah di..but still manage to capture a few idiotic snaps..

okie..tts the idiotic me wif my mouth fact..i'm shoutin whenever the bullet shoots mE!! spoil image ya..

from my point of view..i'm cOoL..aint i? i'm left wif 5X life..qiang hOr..i tink i scream too much enemy all ran awae..lOl..
hmm..went to jp to eat dinner la..den go home le loh..dead beat as i din sleep for the previous nite lor..den todae mornin still got work at 8 30..but as usual lat lahz..forget brin nametag till 3 den finish le lor..came home..DRENCHED..den bathe den sleep le..hahaha..bought my contact lens..finallie? no colour de la..broke like shit de..

post a pic tt is edited by merry..(1)here is the original first..den she (2)touched up too kua zhang!! i canot take it..den i ask her (3)dun touch the eyes..onli slim me down..and finalie she (4)touched up a lil~ on my eyes and my fats..tadAH!!
went dere..met merry..went to party world to ask abt the rates and decided to sing dere although the variety is shuai ge dere *faints* so ke ai lor...and i applied membership dere..lOl..let u guys take a lOoK..

gold card lehs~~ =x
hmm..had a lil~ surprise dere..a small pandan cake for merry..or rather..all the four eat one slice of cake..haHAa..nuthin usual sing sing here and dere..arnd 6 den end le lor..below..ish we tt dae de quan jia fu..

aftertt..went downstair de MAC to collect our lizard and qian share strawberry sundae..tian mi mi..

aint it delicious?
whereas ling and sing shared hot fudge sundae..

combine together..doesnt look appetising..the pink one looks like blood...brown one looks like shit..and qian was tryin to accuse me of accusin her of big mouth!! i anihow scoop de hor..sing eat hot fudge correct..she orh orh de..but ling shud eat strawberry..becuz she alwaes ang and qian shud jus eat the ice cream..cuz we bEh bEh..LOL!!

went to the arcade..played for an hour plus..and heard tt got one BO guy sae canot take pic? i did not witness the scene lah..haHaa...sot de..take the pic can do wad?? blackmail them aRh?!! or plann to steal deir machine!! singaporeans shud be a lil~ more polite la ah di..but still manage to capture a few idiotic snaps..

okie..tts the idiotic me wif my mouth fact..i'm shoutin whenever the bullet shoots mE!! spoil image ya..

from my point of view..i'm cOoL..aint i? i'm left wif 5X life..qiang hOr..i tink i scream too much enemy all ran awae..lOl..
hmm..went to jp to eat dinner la..den go home le loh..dead beat as i din sleep for the previous nite lor..den todae mornin still got work at 8 30..but as usual lat lahz..forget brin nametag till 3 den finish le lor..came home..DRENCHED..den bathe den sleep le..hahaha..bought my contact lens..finallie? no colour de la..broke like shit de..

post a pic tt is edited by merry..(1)here is the original first..den she (2)touched up too kua zhang!! i canot take it..den i ask her (3)dun touch the eyes..onli slim me down..and finalie she (4)touched up a lil~ on my eyes and my fats..tadAH!!

lastlie..i jus reali needa complaint and grumble LOR!!! one dae pocket money 5 bucks..includes 2 to 3 meals..transport fee..handphone bills..everi months contact lens..and of cuz i hab other expenses rite? dun i need entertainment? is 5 bucks enough for all tis?!!! obviouslie is NO!! oh god save me..i'm dyin..

lastlie..i jus reali needa complaint and grumble LOR!!! one dae pocket money 5 bucks..includes 2 to 3 meals..transport fee..handphone bills..everi months contact lens..and of cuz i hab other expenses rite? dun i need entertainment? is 5 bucks enough for all tis?!!! obviouslie is NO!! oh god save me..i'm dyin..
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