tis is wad we saw outside far east huh? lol. qian was so terrfied..din even wanna kip tis picture in her computer. LOl i tink its promotin an upcumin movie cor -fear- so long and straight. tsk tsk..
stayed overnight at qian's house on saturdae lor..and played wif my hair and face..wahahahx..qian tied and curl my hair..
qian sae i look like pei fen the dj..hahax..i noe i hen fAt on ma face =x
den she tie my hair..
bathe le qian tied my hair again..gonna leave it overnight for better result..her sister no cum home. so actuali i got bed tu slp. but yet we both squeeze in one bed.and leave one empty bed =.= her mama sae we xiang qing xiang ai..lOL..BUT.. dere wun be a 2nd time le. cuz 'once bitten twice shy' .. dun sae i din warn..she got great skills. especially her flyin kick..its deadly =x hao kong bu aRH!
morning wake up de result.
i kinda like tis pic =)
wo zhi dao wo hen duo pimple >.<~
did nuthin at her house whole dae..onli slack..hahahx.. actuali at night plan to meet qi hao and wesley der..but dey hou lai cannot le. i went home at arnd 10plus lor..
last one.
okie. u may sae i looke rounder. u may sae i look old >.<~
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