the wig
hmmz.. my colourless holidae. firstlie before i forget. Whiskey died. forget to mention, it's xinyi's kitten. she bury her at toh guan area. heard tt its illegal. lol.
todae watched free movie. hahahx. watch The Wig wif hg jason alex tobi and xinyi. why do i sae its free. cuz watch towards the end left few minutes. hongguang and tobi went to complaint to the manager that the sound system of the theatre is horrible and ask for a refund. i thought at mos a complimentary ticket. end up. all 6 of us were refunded. and sumting i mus comment. the manager has a veri gud attitude lor. mus praise arhx!! but i didnt noe the ending. dunnoe whether did the sister die in the end. anione noes the endin please tell me..
hmm.. anione gt wang zi bian qing wa.. prince becum froggie de VCD?! got can lent me mahx?! zzz.. borrowed from meiqian..Winter Sonata.. shud be quite nice bahx..
haishx. human are veri uglie creatures. sumtimes its so shockin for u to found out that one does tings tt are unforgivable. so unexpected? tokin cock? fei hua? i feel disgusted. =/ tis is all rubbish! nightmares!
i'm so sorrie meiqian.. for being unable to accompani u to the doctor..
like meiqian. i had nightmares for 2 consequetive daes. but unlike hers. mine is abt ghost chasing me? lame.. zzzz. hope i wun hab one tonight. tml 11 plus mus wake up. HDB people cumin to my house to check. as my toilet ceiling kip dripin water.. dark water~!! hahahax. tink too much...
mummie bought top up card for me again. so nice of her. LOL. haish. holidae so wu liao. feel like havin a nan peng you lei. lol. although exams are around the corner. but i jus still dun feel like doin anitin lei. zzz. i do feel guilty. but still like dat. my maths is hopeless! omg.
sorrie for my nagginess. cuz i'm reali too bored. and i hab simply nuthin special tu blog abt. jus normal daily routines.

todae watched free movie. hahahx. watch The Wig wif hg jason alex tobi and xinyi. why do i sae its free. cuz watch towards the end left few minutes. hongguang and tobi went to complaint to the manager that the sound system of the theatre is horrible and ask for a refund. i thought at mos a complimentary ticket. end up. all 6 of us were refunded. and sumting i mus comment. the manager has a veri gud attitude lor. mus praise arhx!! but i didnt noe the ending. dunnoe whether did the sister die in the end. anione noes the endin please tell me..
hmm.. anione gt wang zi bian qing wa.. prince becum froggie de VCD?! got can lent me mahx?! zzz.. borrowed from meiqian..Winter Sonata.. shud be quite nice bahx..
haishx. human are veri uglie creatures. sumtimes its so shockin for u to found out that one does tings tt are unforgivable. so unexpected? tokin cock? fei hua? i feel disgusted. =/ tis is all rubbish! nightmares!
i'm so sorrie meiqian.. for being unable to accompani u to the doctor..
like meiqian. i had nightmares for 2 consequetive daes. but unlike hers. mine is abt ghost chasing me? lame.. zzzz. hope i wun hab one tonight. tml 11 plus mus wake up. HDB people cumin to my house to check. as my toilet ceiling kip dripin water.. dark water~!! hahahax. tink too much...
mummie bought top up card for me again. so nice of her. LOL. haish. holidae so wu liao. feel like havin a nan peng you lei. lol. although exams are around the corner. but i jus still dun feel like doin anitin lei. zzz. i do feel guilty. but still like dat. my maths is hopeless! omg.
sorrie for my nagginess. cuz i'm reali too bored. and i hab simply nuthin special tu blog abt. jus normal daily routines.
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