vanessa bdae
thurs after work
met up wif serena and merry to shake leg
aftertt went to merry's place
me and qian help merry makeover LOL
and she becum super duper chio man!
both of us kip sayin 'ni hen mei'
sounds so les? HAHAHA
reali veri prettie
jus tt she SUPER lazy to da ban lo
in da morning den head home
my G&G lenses finally came!
i feel so prettie again!!

veri prettie lo
but me and qian both tink tt
the camera does nt justify it >.<

we are the last to reach
people for the day are
vanessa quentein xinhao
tendious serene meimei & me!
went to eat steamboat

a pic of vanessa
i tink tis pic take till veri ugli
she's prettier of cuz

i'm diggin my grave
cuz beside her
my eyes look so small
my nose look so flat zzz

meimei and serene
after tt was a bit of walkin arnd
den we decided to go to starbucks
to hab the brownie(replacement of cake) eaten

went home aftertt
a short dae outside hahahs.
went to serene place to ton
on da way home...

xinhao and serene

i've taught serene to wear contacts!
and tis is her first contacts!
SkyBlue wOo~

my super big eye! HAHAHA
we slept at 5 plus
and woke at 730
was dyin sia
on bus to Clementi ITE to hab our vocal class
serene so weida LOL
she need to reach at 1
but to pei me and elaine
she reached at 1030
from my house to school
journey was super long
but nw gt ppl pei
like shorter liao hahahs
a series of pics by 2 wuliao charbor

ok i admit
we veri boliao
close eyes oso wan take LOL

lame pictures

after lesson went town to hab dinner
by then i'm oredi half dead
3 daes add up to less dan 10 hours slp
so i'm super shag
ytd dere's a cosplay party sumwhere at orchard
we saw alot of cute cute cosplay people
when we were about to head home
guess hu we saw!
Naruto, Itachi, Rock Lee and Kisame
i wonder how much dey spent on deir costume
serene went to take pics wif them!


he even hab tis wif him! omg

lame pictures

after lesson went town to hab dinner
by then i'm oredi half dead
3 daes add up to less dan 10 hours slp
so i'm super shag
ytd dere's a cosplay party sumwhere at orchard
we saw alot of cute cute cosplay people
when we were about to head home
guess hu we saw!
Naruto, Itachi, Rock Lee and Kisame
i wonder how much dey spent on deir costume
serene went to take pics wif them!


he even hab tis wif him! omg
mayb he wanna summon his small froggy


Rock Lee

so ke ai rite? LOL
aftertt i heard a crunchy sound
and i saw an auntie eatin an apple on train -.-"

i still havin prepare my clothes for da concert
lazy and dun hab blue top


Rock Lee

so ke ai rite? LOL
aftertt i heard a crunchy sound
and i saw an auntie eatin an apple on train -.-"

i still havin prepare my clothes for da concert
lazy and dun hab blue top
and i'm startin to hate my hair
when den i can cut!?!??!
super broke zzzz
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