busy week
ohh..so mani overdue posts..
cuz quite busy tis week LOL
cuz its ben xiao jie de sheng ri
so i wish myself hapie bdae!
hahaHas..first ting first..
i wanna list down top 10 fastest bdae sms
1. XinYi ( yEAH! so ps! i'm nt her 1st, i type hao le nv see time alamak )
2. XinHao
3. Jane
4. Xavier ( ps oso! same bdae bt i doze off so sms him 1 dae late )
5. MeiQian
6. CaiFen
7. PeiShan
8. Alex
9. Alisa
10. Joe
hahas! last sat 15th sept
celebrated it wif CEMTA peeps!
duno how to describe how lame dey were
cuz dey actuali wanted to gib me a surprise
but it doesnt end up like a surprise
dey made too mani noises
and it was damn funnie
but appreciated though!
dey 'surprise' me at my house
broke my kitchen vase
present me a yummy cake!

after all tt
we headed to City Harvest Church
my first time dere -.-"
but when i stepped into deir auditorium
reali shocked me
dey're so bloody rich la
bigger dan mediacorp de stage bah
so grand and furnished

i was onli in e middle of e place when i took tt pic
can u imagine?
went dere to support John and Joe in a singing competition

shouted till my voice changed lo
end up Joe got First and $400 bucks
John got Third and $200 bucks
damn! i shud hab tried!
after tt we headed to bugis in cab
to eat steamboat! dey luv it!
alwaes eat de sia!

bu yao huai yi!
tts serene's plate
as usual she took mountains of gold needle mushroom
i noe alot ppl like to eat
but the amount she eat alwaes scares me till now

actuali canot sae is CEMTA celebrate
cuz onli got serene meimei xinhao josh and quantein
but good enuf lahs! =D
after tt we went to look for Joe and John
cuz dey were havin dinner wif their own frens
and ended up in Bugis Mac so slack dere awhile lo

we actuali planned to watch Apartment 1303
but Joe and his sister joinin us for movie
AND!! the ting is!!! Joe dun watch horror film
WTF? so big de guy..funnnie rite?! LOL
i spoilt his reputation! hahahaahs!!!
so bobian we changed to 'I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry'
its a funnie show la! so gud oso! hahaa
we watched a 4 30am show LOL
cuz earlier show all onli left front seats
after show all cab back! den end of day!
sundae 16th Sept
went to Suki Sushi wif my bf

first time dere
cuz i alwaes ear Sakae
Suki was more pricey
but more varieties
and i lurve deir Soft Shell Crab! so nicE!
will definitely go dere again
if i hab the cash of cuz LOL

a few pics while i was digestin my full stomach

so cute rite?!
seeing all these pics!
i reali miss my hair now! SOB
17th Sept Monday
actuali meeting xinyi in da afternoon
but due to lotsa delay
we onli managed to meet at around 6 plus
we 1 week plus ago jiu sae hao wan bake cake le
so X---Z--- came to fetch me
thanks to xinyi ! LOL
and we went to Giant at IMM
to buy snacks drinks etc
and headed to her place!

tis is the one we're baking!

firstly pour out the content

squeeze out the syrup

pour in water and oil

put 1 eggon my lap into the bowl
xinyi's masterpiece
more dan half of da egg white landed on my thigh *clap*

stir and pour in any metal tray

lastly of cuz is put in oven!
den tadah! so easy hao le!

u might tink it doesnt look nice
but i tell u
it taste nice! so sweet!
while waiting for the cake to cool down abit
xinyi offer me a chocolate!

so ex de chocolate
i oso bu she de eat
so mus take pic
aniwae i onli ate 1 hor!
got evidence!

tis was wad X---Z--- gave her!
she at first tot it was onli like tt
touch here and dere
den she realised......
it can be open!! COOL

i tink not cheap sia
and i tink it will land itself in da fridge till duno when


so after cake baking
we went to fix Merry-Go-Round!
it was one of da present i gave her
the process of fixing was kinda Vomit-Blood
damn difficult
and the manual is in Chinese WTF?
so after long struggle den we managed to complete it!

glow in da dark!
i hope our frenship is like Merry-Go-Round
turning and turning wifout an end!
ii'm so sweet rite?! =X
before i leave
of cuz mus take some pics lo!

p/s: all da pics on diff day but same outfit
dun tink i'm gross la
i stayin at bf house
no other tops!!
so when i go back to bf house
i oredi tink my bf look abit fishy
cuz he is a super lazy pig
but yet he offer to fetch me from downstairs
i rejected and ask him open door for me jiu hao
den he kip walkin here and there LOL
so when i'm in da room wif him and his brothers
jojo (his mei) enter the room wif a cake!
haHAA! surprisE!!! =)
ok ! quite awkward..hahaAHs!

his youngest brother wanted to wait for me de
but i came back tooo late LOL
so u see him slpin dere
18th Sept Tuesday
jojo won two free tickets for Hairspray!

lucky gurl!
her frens all not free
so she jio me watch wif her. so i agreed!
my bf came along!
so we all meet at Westmall
my concert money come in le
so i'm a lil comfortable now HEES
bought a pair of heels! for 15 bucks!
so now i got 3 pairs of diff height heels! YEAH!
its currently de highest heels i hab
i wore it for one dae and nw i'm havin 2 blisters OUCH
duno tmr wan wear anot
ok! back to topic!
we went to eat at FoodCourt

do dey look alike?
jojo is 18 okiie! i tell alot people
everione shock k!
cuz she's tall and mature-lookin
deir whole familie of 5 siblings all hab a certain features alike
FEIHUA *SLAPS* >.< ~ 19th Sept Wednesday May my hairstylist for the hair model the other time called me and say she need people dere's another show and tis time is a grand event held at Dragon Fly 14th Oct so i found Jojo Joyice and Wirdah wirdah is not willing to cut ani inch of her hair so she went lo~ jojo and joyice were choosen for styling so dey dun need to cut onli dye black i'm choosen to cut wad the zzzz
took pic before i did anitin to my hair

jojo's dyin black in action! LOL

and her end product!

actuali nice rite?
i tink she resemble Jolin!
dere's a period of time Jolin ofo sye black hair
she hairstyle oso kinda lookalike! COOL
my fringe is fcukin short now
abit sad sia
hao bu rong yi grow long
heard praises le
den cut so shhhoooorrrrttt...nnnnnnooooo!
dyed hair, but i tink not veri loud

and my end result

u wun see me havin alot pics le
cuz currentli i take pics hen ugli
20th Sept Thurday
due to the model show
everione hab to hab a photoshop
its reali an interestin experience for me!
its somethin like a makeover!
u make ur hair
got makeup artist
den take pictures!
alot lightings! got fan! got people spray water!
den the photographer will like
'turn left! look up! ok! stare! ok! hen mei! hold!' JEEKIAH!
'spread ur legs! look down! tilt up! ok! hold!' JEEKIAH
cool man! how i hope can take alot pics! LOL
sumthing tt makes me hapie is......
the photographer praised me
i'm the last model to shoot
whenever he describe a pose
i immediately pose it and gave him the expression he wans
and clearly he's veri satisfied
he raised his hands and gave me a 'good' sign
so my confidence came!
he came over and adjust my hair
and said 'u're very good'
i didnt respond cuz i'm nervous
and he added 'hey, i seldom praise people'
and i said thanks wif a smile ! =) so happi
after a few shoots
he came over again
tis time he said
'dey told me its enuf and alot le, but i xing shang u,
so now u zi you fa hui, and i will jus snap,
so i'm letting u hab a few more shoots'
and i thanks him wif graditude!
den i look around his studio
he got take alot shots for artiste
like FannWong Li Ming Shun and etc
he even appeared at newspaper before
so i'm so touched tt he noticed me!
i'm actuali veri low confidence de
cuz all the models dere veri prettie
some from model agencies de
aftertt i went to see me pics
tot its veri nice
to me shock
all look so fat!!
but canot be blamed la
I AM FAT! especially my face
but he said 'fat can edit slim
wads impt is the expression and feelings, canot be edited and added'
nande i rec praises
let me show off abit more la k!! =D

tis is the kinda looks lo
tis is before i do my hair

tis is my stylist MaY!
for this show i'll be getting 400 monsoon vouchers WOO!
and it might appear in magazine

May bought rocher for me!
so sweet of her!
none of the stylists bought anitin for deir models k!
ok enuf of all these le
now are pictures of presents!

tis is from Serene and MeiMei


from Guardian

from XinHao

from XinYi
a picture diary of our frenship
for the past 7 yrs

from my bf~
so i wanna thanks EVERIONE
hu wish me bdae
or bought my stuffs!
cuz quite busy tis week LOL
cuz its ben xiao jie de sheng ri
so i wish myself hapie bdae!
hahaHas..first ting first..
i wanna list down top 10 fastest bdae sms
1. XinYi ( yEAH! so ps! i'm nt her 1st, i type hao le nv see time alamak )
2. XinHao
3. Jane
4. Xavier ( ps oso! same bdae bt i doze off so sms him 1 dae late )
5. MeiQian
6. CaiFen
7. PeiShan
8. Alex
9. Alisa
10. Joe
hahas! last sat 15th sept
celebrated it wif CEMTA peeps!
duno how to describe how lame dey were
cuz dey actuali wanted to gib me a surprise
but it doesnt end up like a surprise
dey made too mani noises
and it was damn funnie
but appreciated though!
dey 'surprise' me at my house
broke my kitchen vase
present me a yummy cake!

after all tt
we headed to City Harvest Church
my first time dere -.-"
but when i stepped into deir auditorium
reali shocked me
dey're so bloody rich la
bigger dan mediacorp de stage bah
so grand and furnished

i was onli in e middle of e place when i took tt pic
can u imagine?
went dere to support John and Joe in a singing competition

shouted till my voice changed lo
end up Joe got First and $400 bucks
John got Third and $200 bucks
damn! i shud hab tried!
after tt we headed to bugis in cab
to eat steamboat! dey luv it!
alwaes eat de sia!

bu yao huai yi!
tts serene's plate
as usual she took mountains of gold needle mushroom
i noe alot ppl like to eat
but the amount she eat alwaes scares me till now

actuali canot sae is CEMTA celebrate
cuz onli got serene meimei xinhao josh and quantein
but good enuf lahs! =D
after tt we went to look for Joe and John
cuz dey were havin dinner wif their own frens
and ended up in Bugis Mac so slack dere awhile lo

we actuali planned to watch Apartment 1303
but Joe and his sister joinin us for movie
AND!! the ting is!!! Joe dun watch horror film
WTF? so big de guy..funnnie rite?! LOL
i spoilt his reputation! hahahaahs!!!
so bobian we changed to 'I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry'
its a funnie show la! so gud oso! hahaa
we watched a 4 30am show LOL
cuz earlier show all onli left front seats
after show all cab back! den end of day!
sundae 16th Sept
went to Suki Sushi wif my bf

first time dere
cuz i alwaes ear Sakae
Suki was more pricey
but more varieties
and i lurve deir Soft Shell Crab! so nicE!
will definitely go dere again
if i hab the cash of cuz LOL

a few pics while i was digestin my full stomach

so cute rite?!
seeing all these pics!
i reali miss my hair now! SOB
17th Sept Monday
actuali meeting xinyi in da afternoon
but due to lotsa delay
we onli managed to meet at around 6 plus
we 1 week plus ago jiu sae hao wan bake cake le
so X---Z--- came to fetch me
thanks to xinyi ! LOL
and we went to Giant at IMM
to buy snacks drinks etc
and headed to her place!

tis is the one we're baking!

firstly pour out the content

squeeze out the syrup

pour in water and oil

put 1 egg
xinyi's masterpiece
more dan half of da egg white landed on my thigh *clap*

stir and pour in any metal tray

lastly of cuz is put in oven!
den tadah! so easy hao le!

u might tink it doesnt look nice
but i tell u
it taste nice! so sweet!
while waiting for the cake to cool down abit
xinyi offer me a chocolate!

so ex de chocolate
i oso bu she de eat
so mus take pic
aniwae i onli ate 1 hor!
got evidence!

tis was wad X---Z--- gave her!
she at first tot it was onli like tt
touch here and dere
den she realised......
it can be open!! COOL

i tink not cheap sia
and i tink it will land itself in da fridge till duno when


so after cake baking
we went to fix Merry-Go-Round!
it was one of da present i gave her
the process of fixing was kinda Vomit-Blood
damn difficult
and the manual is in Chinese WTF?
so after long struggle den we managed to complete it!

glow in da dark!
i hope our frenship is like Merry-Go-Round
turning and turning wifout an end!
ii'm so sweet rite?! =X
before i leave
of cuz mus take some pics lo!

p/s: all da pics on diff day but same outfit
dun tink i'm gross la
i stayin at bf house
no other tops!!
so when i go back to bf house
i oredi tink my bf look abit fishy
cuz he is a super lazy pig
but yet he offer to fetch me from downstairs
i rejected and ask him open door for me jiu hao
den he kip walkin here and there LOL
so when i'm in da room wif him and his brothers
jojo (his mei) enter the room wif a cake!
haHAA! surprisE!!! =)
ok ! quite awkward..hahaAHs!

his youngest brother wanted to wait for me de
but i came back tooo late LOL
so u see him slpin dere
18th Sept Tuesday
jojo won two free tickets for Hairspray!

lucky gurl!
her frens all not free
so she jio me watch wif her. so i agreed!
my bf came along!
so we all meet at Westmall
my concert money come in le
so i'm a lil comfortable now HEES
bought a pair of heels! for 15 bucks!
so now i got 3 pairs of diff height heels! YEAH!
its currently de highest heels i hab
i wore it for one dae and nw i'm havin 2 blisters OUCH
duno tmr wan wear anot
ok! back to topic!
we went to eat at FoodCourt

do dey look alike?
jojo is 18 okiie! i tell alot people
everione shock k!
cuz she's tall and mature-lookin
deir whole familie of 5 siblings all hab a certain features alike
FEIHUA *SLAPS* >.< ~ 19th Sept Wednesday May my hairstylist for the hair model the other time called me and say she need people dere's another show and tis time is a grand event held at Dragon Fly 14th Oct so i found Jojo Joyice and Wirdah wirdah is not willing to cut ani inch of her hair so she went lo~ jojo and joyice were choosen for styling so dey dun need to cut onli dye black i'm choosen to cut wad the zzzz
took pic before i did anitin to my hair

jojo's dyin black in action! LOL

and her end product!

actuali nice rite?
i tink she resemble Jolin!
dere's a period of time Jolin ofo sye black hair
she hairstyle oso kinda lookalike! COOL
my fringe is fcukin short now
abit sad sia
hao bu rong yi grow long
heard praises le
den cut so shhhoooorrrrttt...nnnnnnooooo!
dyed hair, but i tink not veri loud

and my end result

u wun see me havin alot pics le
cuz currentli i take pics hen ugli
20th Sept Thurday
due to the model show
everione hab to hab a photoshop
its reali an interestin experience for me!
its somethin like a makeover!
u make ur hair
got makeup artist
den take pictures!
alot lightings! got fan! got people spray water!
den the photographer will like
'turn left! look up! ok! stare! ok! hen mei! hold!' JEEKIAH!
'spread ur legs! look down! tilt up! ok! hold!' JEEKIAH
cool man! how i hope can take alot pics! LOL
sumthing tt makes me hapie is......
the photographer praised me
i'm the last model to shoot
whenever he describe a pose
i immediately pose it and gave him the expression he wans
and clearly he's veri satisfied
he raised his hands and gave me a 'good' sign
so my confidence came!
he came over and adjust my hair
and said 'u're very good'
i didnt respond cuz i'm nervous
and he added 'hey, i seldom praise people'
and i said thanks wif a smile ! =) so happi
after a few shoots
he came over again
tis time he said
'dey told me its enuf and alot le, but i xing shang u,
so now u zi you fa hui, and i will jus snap,
so i'm letting u hab a few more shoots'
and i thanks him wif graditude!
den i look around his studio
he got take alot shots for artiste
like FannWong Li Ming Shun and etc
he even appeared at newspaper before
so i'm so touched tt he noticed me!
i'm actuali veri low confidence de
cuz all the models dere veri prettie
some from model agencies de
aftertt i went to see me pics
tot its veri nice
to me shock
all look so fat!!
but canot be blamed la
I AM FAT! especially my face
but he said 'fat can edit slim
wads impt is the expression and feelings, canot be edited and added'
nande i rec praises
let me show off abit more la k!! =D

tis is the kinda looks lo
tis is before i do my hair

tis is my stylist MaY!
for this show i'll be getting 400 monsoon vouchers WOO!
and it might appear in magazine

May bought rocher for me!
so sweet of her!
none of the stylists bought anitin for deir models k!
ok enuf of all these le
now are pictures of presents!

tis is from Serene and MeiMei


from Guardian

from XinHao

from XinYi
a picture diary of our frenship
for the past 7 yrs

from my bf~
so i wanna thanks EVERIONE
hu wish me bdae
or bought my stuffs!
i noe its a duper long entry
i oso pukin blood le
i haven eat aniting since i wake
zzz gone to eat dinner le!
hapie day everione!
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