dover pfm + pics
8th of August
went to dover to sing
some sorta pre-national event
its my first time to perform at Dover
and i tink i'll avoid going dere le
its like School Of Perverts lah
i tink Dover has too little gurls
morning was late
wanted to take cab
but so mani other people waiting!
so i bo bian take bus and train
Xavier is so gud!
i so scared go alone
cuz alone perverted guys
so he waited for me for quite long
performance was soso onli
but response was veri gud of cuz *roll eyes*
i haven even started singing
i hear wolf cries le
i wonder if anione did pay attention to my voice lo
so lame..all the while i singing
audiences were making fun
whistle, wave hands somore got people shout 'wo ai ni'
wah piang.. i tink i havin mini concert..zzz..
Hussein purposely kip holdin my hands
i tink audiences wanna rush up and hack him into pieces le
so kong bu man
at backstage..

whole event was damn horrible
like primary sch event
still got sing along session
ji tao throw face till siao
pls hab sum creativity next time
damn boring and idiotic
after tt me and xavier went to clementi
to support serene elaine xh and rocky lo

after deir performances
we actuali intended to go Westmall
to hab our lunch
but duno which gundoo sae take 188 gt reach
and we ended up at Lot 1! WOO! (._.x )

as u can see
i'm still not used to my funny hair
kip having holes in between!
it irritates me alot la!
so ma fan kip hab to look into mirror
i wun sae cut veri ugli lah
it jus emphasizes my round face
tts bad enuf >.<
went to dover to sing
some sorta pre-national event
its my first time to perform at Dover
and i tink i'll avoid going dere le
its like School Of Perverts lah
i tink Dover has too little gurls
morning was late
wanted to take cab
but so mani other people waiting!
so i bo bian take bus and train
Xavier is so gud!
i so scared go alone
cuz alone perverted guys
so he waited for me for quite long
performance was soso onli
but response was veri gud of cuz *roll eyes*
i haven even started singing
i hear wolf cries le
i wonder if anione did pay attention to my voice lo
so lame..all the while i singing
audiences were making fun
whistle, wave hands somore got people shout 'wo ai ni'
wah piang.. i tink i havin mini concert..zzz..
Hussein purposely kip holdin my hands
i tink audiences wanna rush up and hack him into pieces le
so kong bu man
at backstage..

whole event was damn horrible
like primary sch event
still got sing along session
ji tao throw face till siao
pls hab sum creativity next time
damn boring and idiotic
after tt me and xavier went to clementi
to support serene elaine xh and rocky lo

after deir performances
we actuali intended to go Westmall
to hab our lunch
but duno which gundoo sae take 188 gt reach
and we ended up at Lot 1! WOO! (._.x )

as u can see
i'm still not used to my funny hair
kip having holes in between!
it irritates me alot la!
so ma fan kip hab to look into mirror
i wun sae cut veri ugli lah
it jus emphasizes my round face
tts bad enuf >.<
todae pei Serene go Kr+ cut hair
she go be deir hair model
u noe dere cut hair need how much?
freaking $79 wtf?
but her hair didnt do much changes
except to the length
but i tink she oso canot accept too much changes LOL
before we went dere her parents treat me to my lunch + dinner
so feng fu lah!
dey are such humorous parents! HAHA
in her parents car...

her hair stylist cut till me and her wanna slp
he cut super man dong zuo
so to kip myself awake
i take photos

my prettiest pic..

i tink i manage my hair better le
duno by roadshow will become wad shit..
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