hmmz..veri long bo update le hor..haHaax..3rd to 6th at qian house..6th to 8th at no free la..tis post update merrie b'dae bahx..chalet de pics all at my brother fren's place..idiot lor..he so long dun wan online..~@#%*()_+
3rd qian cum my house..i so tired lor..11+am den slpp..she bought lunch for me..sumtin tt i wana eat but dun dare to..haHaax..and cook eggie..lOlx!! we intend to bake cake for merrie first time leh..although i din do much..hAHa..i contribute over nia..we intend to bake..chocolate cake!! ha..we were watchin tv while the cake is suntanning..alot muscle mAn on tv!! eeEks!! haha..den clear clear pack pack off to her hse..reach her hse no too long den i zZz le la..tired leh..
dEn i mornin super earli wake up le anxious..den kip wakin qian up..haHaa..den off to the mArkEt!! cOol huh? hahax..
auntie qian and princess ping..haha.. =x
3rd qian cum my house..i so tired lor..11+am den slpp..she bought lunch for me..sumtin tt i wana eat but dun dare to..haHaax..and cook eggie..lOlx!! we intend to bake cake for merrie first time leh..although i din do much..hAHa..i contribute over nia..we intend to bake..chocolate cake!! ha..we were watchin tv while the cake is suntanning..alot muscle mAn on tv!! eeEks!! haha..den clear clear pack pack off to her hse..reach her hse no too long den i zZz le la..tired leh..
dEn i mornin super earli wake up le anxious..den kip wakin qian up..haHaa..den off to the mArkEt!! cOol huh? hahax..
auntie qian and princess ping..haha.. =x

den aftertt auntie sing oso cum le..

den we buy hao le go back qian place eat a lil breakfast den watch tv..wait for ling to cum lor..actuali is qian ask her cum da sao her room..its on her b'dae lor..den she gong gong toot toot reali believe..den we intend to giv her a surprise..den finalie she came lor..den me and sing hide in qian's mum room..haHaha..den qian miss call us den we light candle and..TADAH~~ brin to her room..she was sHoCked..hiak hiak..

make a wish

hahhaa..tis is wad we prepared JUS for her..hey..the cake is home made de hor..taste actualie quite alrite..a lil~ too sweet..overall success bahx..hahaha..

hAHaha..our quan ti zhao for the dAe!! chioo sia..

hMmz..enuf rubbish..cUt the cAke!! see fourties so gud lor..allow ling to cut twice and wish twice~!! lOlx..

while we were eatin steamboat..we met wif a super guai lan cOKE!! omgoshz..its horrible man!! no one can open it lor..towel..rubber damn stubbon mAN!! end up qian use knife cut the top open..tis shows tt..violence is needed to settle certain tings..haAHah..

okie...sing got tuition goin home le lor..bOo..we send her to bus stop lor..

and i wana announce fourties onli mEIQIAN is lonelie..cuz i got husband u guy a pic of him..damn shuai..alot people lurfe him oso lor..i hope to see him often too..miss him soooooooo much..wAHaHAaHa

hMm..dA jia hao..wE're SHE~ haHaAHa..lame..sing short hair ella ba...hAHa..i rubbishin la..

hAHaHa..beside the bustop is fitness corner lor..pass time yi a lil~ hahaha..i need alot u see mos pic is me inside..i need to remove fats!!


wAHaHAaHaa..crap enuf le lahx..tml den update chalet de dong xi la..tired le lah..jus now got stamina like shit man..jus now oso take o level cert le..oso like shit..hHaHax..everitin is shitty..
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