chalet promised..todae i will tok abt chalet~~ its my brother dey all de chalet i go chup one leg lahz..hAHahax..cuz alot people goin dey wan farewell party lor..not alot people lahz..abt 10 meet peishan at 530 JE lor..den we two go ourself..too hungri at pasir ris eat first..haHAax..den go chalet put tings den dey all wan go watch movie lor..den go back chalet..first dae nuthin special lahx..watched Kingdom Of me hor..tis show super gross lor..cuz its abt war mahz..den alot blood..heads..corpse..kong bu leh..but overall alrite lahx..hAHahAx..
second dae afternoon my kor kor cum le lor..cuz he first dae got he join us second dae..den guys go swim..hAHaa..gers go walk walk lor..evening den bBq did nuthin la..jus eat and be camera ger..lOlx!~
picture of bBq fOod..DrOoL le bAh..hahAHa..

OMG..i'm so worried abt my korkor..hAHahax..pls go straight...tis is gross..sumore wear couple wear..peng..

sniff..poor alone nor..

cum'on a familie foto for the dAe..except me..cuz i'm the camera ger ~>.<~ bOo!~
hmmmz..a foto of me and my gud freN~~~ *clap*

hmm..sun set le lor..there's sumtin dey cook..dat i see liao wana puke..rytHmE!! hAHaha..firstlie cuz it has alot of green sTuff!! people dat noes me well..noe tt i hate green stuff..and secondlie it's sotong..peng..i dun wan becum sotong ARh..haHaha..JIAWEI..u shud post tis pic in ur blog aRh..ur tagboard..alwaes got one sotong.. =X

Next, if anione plays before a PS game name "fatal Frame" u'll noe why i wana post tis pic..we played durin the chalet..and i tink tis pic reali resemble the 'ting' inside the game..kEKeke..

hhMmz..a foto of my kor kor..ever since go in army..he reali SHOU le cute hor..he driver in the air force..

tis is me and kor kor de pic..i lurfe tis pic...sweet hor..i look more n more like him le..snif..hahaHA..sum people sae we reali got certain features look alike lahs..duno is gud or bad ting..hAHaha..

hMmz...after the bBq everione rest awhile hot leh..den go back blow aircon..and pig me of cuz is fell aslp..hAHaha..sLp halfwae suddenlie wake me up lor!! dey sae wan play zhong ji mi mA!! jiawei sure dun understand since ur chi CMI..hahahaz..its a number game dat alot people can play lahx..den kena got forfeit de lorx..den our punishment is drink one cup of plain water lor..dun tot is nuthin leh..we mus play for 2 one can go toilet..hahAHax..if go toilet..mus finish 1.5 LITRE water before game ends..haHAaHaA!!! prob is..people hu noes me noe tt i dun drink plain water dE!!!!!!!!! i hate it to the core man..torturin kor kor oso noe whenever i kena..he drink half for me..haHaha..
tis pic veri interestin..noe why? cuz he's the one hu gib out the number..yet he drinks!! cuz i kena..haHaAHa..swAy hiM!!!

1hr lidat le..den gavin and my fren canot tahan le lor..dey reali need the toilet man..and mus drink 1.5 litre farnie..cuz i din drink alot..hiak hiak..

and tis gavin hor..can go toilet the second time!! his bodie short fast the water go down liaox..haHAAHa..but i oso cant imagine myself drinkin 1.5 litre and not goin to the toilet lahz..lOlx..2hrs uP!! everione QUE toilet..haHAa..wo de tian arh..but i yi dian dou bu ji leh..haHahaa..den midnight watch shutter lor..although watch before liaox..haHaax..mornin need to check out..i'm second last to be wake..den i awake le si panda snap me..

naH!!..last of of me..although dun reali kan de xia qu lah..

second dae afternoon my kor kor cum le lor..cuz he first dae got he join us second dae..den guys go swim..hAHaa..gers go walk walk lor..evening den bBq did nuthin la..jus eat and be camera ger..lOlx!~
picture of bBq fOod..DrOoL le bAh..hahAHa..

OMG..i'm so worried abt my korkor..hAHahax..pls go straight...tis is gross..sumore wear couple wear..peng..

sniff..poor alone nor..

cum'on a familie foto for the dAe..except me..cuz i'm the camera ger ~>.<~ bOo!~

hmmmz..a foto of me and my gud freN~~~ *clap*

hmm..sun set le lor..there's sumtin dey cook..dat i see liao wana puke..rytHmE!! hAHaha..firstlie cuz it has alot of green sTuff!! people dat noes me well..noe tt i hate green stuff..and secondlie it's sotong..peng..i dun wan becum sotong ARh..haHaha..JIAWEI..u shud post tis pic in ur blog aRh..ur tagboard..alwaes got one sotong.. =X

Next, if anione plays before a PS game name "fatal Frame" u'll noe why i wana post tis pic..we played durin the chalet..and i tink tis pic reali resemble the 'ting' inside the game..kEKeke..

hhMmz..a foto of my kor kor..ever since go in army..he reali SHOU le cute hor..he driver in the air force..

tis is me and kor kor de pic..i lurfe tis pic...sweet hor..i look more n more like him le..snif..hahaHA..sum people sae we reali got certain features look alike lahs..duno is gud or bad ting..hAHaha..

hMmz...after the bBq everione rest awhile hot leh..den go back blow aircon..and pig me of cuz is fell aslp..hAHaha..sLp halfwae suddenlie wake me up lor!! dey sae wan play zhong ji mi mA!! jiawei sure dun understand since ur chi CMI..hahahaz..its a number game dat alot people can play lahx..den kena got forfeit de lorx..den our punishment is drink one cup of plain water lor..dun tot is nuthin leh..we mus play for 2 one can go toilet..hahAHax..if go toilet..mus finish 1.5 LITRE water before game ends..haHAaHaA!!! prob is..people hu noes me noe tt i dun drink plain water dE!!!!!!!!! i hate it to the core man..torturin kor kor oso noe whenever i kena..he drink half for me..haHaha..
tis pic veri interestin..noe why? cuz he's the one hu gib out the number..yet he drinks!! cuz i kena..haHaAHa..swAy hiM!!!

1hr lidat le..den gavin and my fren canot tahan le lor..dey reali need the toilet man..and mus drink 1.5 litre farnie..cuz i din drink alot..hiak hiak..

and tis gavin hor..can go toilet the second time!! his bodie short fast the water go down liaox..haHAAHa..but i oso cant imagine myself drinkin 1.5 litre and not goin to the toilet lahz..lOlx..2hrs uP!! everione QUE toilet..haHAa..wo de tian arh..but i yi dian dou bu ji leh..haHahaa..den midnight watch shutter lor..although watch before liaox..haHaax..mornin need to check out..i'm second last to be wake..den i awake le si panda snap me..

naH!!..last of of me..although dun reali kan de xia qu lah..

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