outfit settled
although i slept at 10 plus last night
woke up at 2pm jus now
slept for around 16hours
supposed to start work at 5
butas usual i was still late!
reached at around 6 30 =x
pei fu wo bah?
supposed to hab 3 people
end up kena new girl put aeroplane
den onli me and joyice
luckili it wasnt so busy
Pos 1 short 30 bucks
tmr sure kena boss ~!@#$%^&*()
sianess!! i'm workin mid tmr
gotta wake at 10 30 bahs
7 den finish work
den meeting darr lo
tmr kor and mummy going to see flat
heard dat 23rd gonna go housing board choose le
den by june or july we will get keys le
suddenly find it too fast
not enuf time to save up money for my bed >.<
pictures at work!

must sae sorrie to joyice
cuz i left first
was afraid i wud miss my bus
cuz da lazy me dun wanna walk home =P
saw mama at boon lay interchange
told her i hab nuthin to wear on my 18th performance
so she helped me to find !
my mama young de shi hou veri havoc de okie!
and more or less my outfit is settled

bu cuo bahs?! hhaaha
YEAH! merry is gonna pei me on da 17th!!
i'm gonna grab stuff! and make myself broke!!!
haiis. i haben decide on wad song to sing
super headache.
i need to slp soon
arbo tmr die liaos
*waves goodnight*
woke up at 2pm jus now
slept for around 16hours
supposed to start work at 5
reached at around 6 30 =x
pei fu wo bah?
supposed to hab 3 people
end up kena new girl put aeroplane
den onli me and joyice
luckili it wasnt so busy
Pos 1 short 30 bucks
tmr sure kena boss ~!@#$%^&*()
sianess!! i'm workin mid tmr
gotta wake at 10 30 bahs
7 den finish work
den meeting darr lo
tmr kor and mummy going to see flat
heard dat 23rd gonna go housing board choose le
den by june or july we will get keys le
suddenly find it too fast
not enuf time to save up money for my bed >.<
pictures at work!

must sae sorrie to joyice
cuz i left first
was afraid i wud miss my bus
cuz da lazy me dun wanna walk home =P
saw mama at boon lay interchange
told her i hab nuthin to wear on my 18th performance
so she helped me to find !
my mama young de shi hou veri havoc de okie!
and more or less my outfit is settled

bu cuo bahs?! hhaaha
YEAH! merry is gonna pei me on da 17th!!
i'm gonna grab stuff! and make myself broke!!!
haiis. i haben decide on wad song to sing
super headache.
i need to slp soon
arbo tmr die liaos
*waves goodnight*