concert + kor's bdae
as wad my bf sae
i'm sucha lazy fat pig
concert pass a few daes le
i now den come blog =x
anyway..duno is success mahs lei
dere're negative and positives comments? least i tink i've got more positive ones =D
i thank everione hu came down to support
and those hu gave jing shen shang de zhi chi. LOL
aniway, one thing at a time!
arnd a month ago i spree for a pair of heels
and it finally arrived
i'm so excited la..BUT
see da shoes for urself!!

aahhh! so unfair! Y is he so charming white? N i'm so yellow *crys*
omg. hw to wear? heartpain sia
so i contacted the spree organiser
and showed her pictures
she contacted the seller
dey apologise and decided to refund me 230NT
i bought it for 280NT
so i paid arnd 2 bucks for tis shoe
and let it go lo
last tues asked xinyi to pei me
i need to look for a blue top for my concert
went to Paya Lebar's City Plaza to walk
my mama de hao jie shao lah
dere is super lot of variety
but the prices are soo steep lah
in the end i anihow buy one super ugli de
and i tink i wun be wearin it animore
some pictures~

supposed to meet merry at jp
but we met each other on train
so qiao! LOL
and we went to swensen to hab our lunch/dinner

never take alot pics
hahahas..cuz not nice lahs!
on wed went to simei to hab rehearsal
seriously i tink dey shud hab rehearsals earlier
not on the dae before -.-"
aniwae~ some pictures

after rehearsal
ate dinner jiu head home le
still got a big dae tmr!
dun tot i never do anitin to prepare!~
i did an expensive mask before i slept ok!

its da Nu Ren Wo Zui Da jelly mask!
its damn cool!
i've never done tis kinda mask before
its reali like jelly!
and it smells nice okiie!

bing bing liang liang~
woke up at arnd 530am
i tink i dyin LOL
prepare, makeups, blabla
serene came to my place for the sake of her falsies
hahha..and off we head to simei..

we were provided wif lotsa coupons
tt we cant finish it lahs! haha
the routine is like
eat, practise, eat, practise
and here comes the exciting part
*drumroll* I FELL!
when practising 'Is This Illusion Call Love'
were supposed to walk down the stairs quickly
and i missed a step! BOO!!
i tink damn paiseh lah, duno got zao geng mah

took on da dae i fell

took now, i admit i peeled it =P
pain lahs..
these few daes i sleep
kip knockin it zzzz
aniwae!! show still goes on!!
some pics wif a few peeps

meimei & me

aidil & me

the zhao xing makes me feel like i'm a cheerleader LOL

i'm so guilty! i duno his name >.<

me & khahlil

amanda & me
alot ppl sae we look alike, i did her makeup k!

elaine & me

eveeryone slackin, zzz
jus before show start
went to pass qian dey all tix

ps, i noe shan dun look gud in tis pic, bt tis is e onli pic taken wif her!

wanling & me
some screenshots of da performancE!

Seasons Of Love

Is This Illusion Call Love, me holdin mic!

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

i received a'little' cute fliower!!!
HAHA! so big dat i take everiwhere
people are lookin at me!

for the benefit of those hu cant make it
but is curious of my performance?
actuali alot ppl sae i did much better dan rehearsals
but i oso get negative comments
like i'm singing opera *roll eyes*
aniwae, tis is consider my first solo ever
and i reali enjoyed the feelin!!
its damn high la! and i hope for morE!
next ting!
i wanna congratulate Mr Tan Zijian
for being norminated for the Best Soldier of February
got thru the interview and won the award!!

a big and heavy one -.-"

a certificate!
he is alwaes the one who did the most
the one who is most tired
so he deserve tis!
*clap clap*
todae is 16 os July
which means ytd is my ex dad's bdae
and todae is my Brother's BDAE!!!
u're 24 LIAO ok?!
so my mum decided to treat us to OASIS
incase alot ppl duno
it is a veri inaccessible place in Kallang
a restaurant selling Teochew Porridge
alot memories dere
cuz my whole family visit dere
almos everi week in da past
tts why my family is still in a 'whole'
heard tt its gonna tear down soon
mayb somewhere in October
cuz duno wan build wad ting dere
its near de Indoor Stadium
so anione interested mus faster!

korkor and mummie

korkor & me!
we purposely chose a window seat
like wad we alwaes did in da past! LOL

actuali alot of tings changes
but the night view didnt
it is still as spectacular
so chio in da night

everione was damn hungri lo
finally the dishes came!

tis was so gross
it was recommended by my bf
he sae come here mus eat dis de
its raw cockles in bloody sauce
barely after 20 minutes...

last but not least!
photo wif lions!
dey were dere since i was young!!

omg..tis entry almost killed me
my neck is aching!
i'm sucha lazy fat pig
concert pass a few daes le
i now den come blog =x
anyway..duno is success mahs lei
dere're negative and positives comments? least i tink i've got more positive ones =D
i thank everione hu came down to support
and those hu gave jing shen shang de zhi chi. LOL
aniway, one thing at a time!
arnd a month ago i spree for a pair of heels
and it finally arrived
i'm so excited la..BUT
see da shoes for urself!!

aahhh! so unfair! Y is he so charming white? N i'm so yellow *crys*
omg. hw to wear? heartpain sia
so i contacted the spree organiser
and showed her pictures
she contacted the seller
dey apologise and decided to refund me 230NT
i bought it for 280NT
so i paid arnd 2 bucks for tis shoe
and let it go lo
last tues asked xinyi to pei me
i need to look for a blue top for my concert
went to Paya Lebar's City Plaza to walk
my mama de hao jie shao lah
dere is super lot of variety
but the prices are soo steep lah
in the end i anihow buy one super ugli de
and i tink i wun be wearin it animore
some pictures~

supposed to meet merry at jp
but we met each other on train
so qiao! LOL
and we went to swensen to hab our lunch/dinner

never take alot pics
hahahas..cuz not nice lahs!
on wed went to simei to hab rehearsal
seriously i tink dey shud hab rehearsals earlier
not on the dae before -.-"
aniwae~ some pictures

after rehearsal
ate dinner jiu head home le
still got a big dae tmr!
dun tot i never do anitin to prepare!~
i did an expensive mask before i slept ok!

its da Nu Ren Wo Zui Da jelly mask!
its damn cool!
i've never done tis kinda mask before
its reali like jelly!
and it smells nice okiie!

bing bing liang liang~
woke up at arnd 530am
i tink i dyin LOL
prepare, makeups, blabla
serene came to my place for the sake of her falsies
hahha..and off we head to simei..

we were provided wif lotsa coupons
tt we cant finish it lahs! haha
the routine is like
eat, practise, eat, practise
and here comes the exciting part
*drumroll* I FELL!
when practising 'Is This Illusion Call Love'
were supposed to walk down the stairs quickly
and i missed a step! BOO!!
i tink damn paiseh lah, duno got zao geng mah

took on da dae i fell

took now, i admit i peeled it =P
pain lahs..
these few daes i sleep
kip knockin it zzzz
aniwae!! show still goes on!!
some pics wif a few peeps

meimei & me

aidil & me

the zhao xing makes me feel like i'm a cheerleader LOL

i'm so guilty! i duno his name >.<

me & khahlil

amanda & me
alot ppl sae we look alike, i did her makeup k!

elaine & me

eveeryone slackin, zzz
jus before show start
went to pass qian dey all tix

ps, i noe shan dun look gud in tis pic, bt tis is e onli pic taken wif her!

wanling & me
some screenshots of da performancE!

Seasons Of Love

Is This Illusion Call Love, me holdin mic!

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

i received a
HAHA! so big dat i take everiwhere
people are lookin at me!

for the benefit of those hu cant make it
but is curious of my performance?
actuali alot ppl sae i did much better dan rehearsals
but i oso get negative comments
like i'm singing opera *roll eyes*
aniwae, tis is consider my first solo ever
and i reali enjoyed the feelin!!
its damn high la! and i hope for morE!
next ting!
i wanna congratulate Mr Tan Zijian
for being norminated for the Best Soldier of February
got thru the interview and won the award!!

a big and heavy one -.-"

a certificate!
he is alwaes the one who did the most
the one who is most tired
so he deserve tis!
*clap clap*
todae is 16 os July
which means ytd is my ex dad's bdae
and todae is my Brother's BDAE!!!
u're 24 LIAO ok?!
so my mum decided to treat us to OASIS
incase alot ppl duno
it is a veri inaccessible place in Kallang
a restaurant selling Teochew Porridge
alot memories dere
cuz my whole family visit dere
almos everi week in da past
tts why my family is still in a 'whole'
heard tt its gonna tear down soon
mayb somewhere in October
cuz duno wan build wad ting dere
its near de Indoor Stadium
so anione interested mus faster!

korkor and mummie

korkor & me!
we purposely chose a window seat
like wad we alwaes did in da past! LOL

actuali alot of tings changes
but the night view didnt
it is still as spectacular
so chio in da night

everione was damn hungri lo
finally the dishes came!

tis was so gross
it was recommended by my bf
he sae come here mus eat dis de
its raw cockles in bloody sauce
barely after 20 minutes...

last but not least!
photo wif lions!
dey were dere since i was young!!

omg..tis entry almost killed me
my neck is aching!